
Friday 23 July 2010

Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom

Sir Robert Walpole 1721 - 1742 Whig Party
The Earl of Wilmington 1742 – 1743 Whig Party
Henry Pelham 1743 – 1754 Whig Party
The Duke of Newcastle 1754 – 1756 Whig Party
The Duke of Devonshire 1756 – 1757 Whig Party
The Duke of Newcastle 1757 – 1762 Whig Party
The Earl of Bute 1762 – 1763 Tory Party
George Grenville 1763 – 1765 Whig Party
The Marquess of Rockingham 1765 – 1766 Whig Party
The Earl of Chatham “William Pitt the Elder” 1766 – 1768 Whig Party
The Duke of Grafton 1768 – 1770 Whig Party
Lord North 1770 – 1782 Tory Party
The Marquess of Rockingham 1782 – 1782 Whig Party
The Earl of Shelburne 1782 – 1783 Whig Party
The Duke of Portland 1783 – 1783 Whig Party
William Pitt The Younger 1783 – 1801 Tory Party
Henry Addington 1801 – 1804 Tory Party
William Pitt The Younger 1804 – 1806 Tory Party
The Lord Grenville 1807 – 1809 Tory Party
The Duke of Portland 1807 – 1809 Tory Party
Spencer Perceval 1809 – 1812 Tory Party
The Earl of Liverpool 1812 – 1827 Tory Party
George Canning 1827 – 1827 Tory Party
The Viscount Goderich 1827 – 1828 Tory Party
The Duke of Wellington 1828 – 1830 Tory Party
The Earl Grey 1830 – 1834 Whig Party
The Viscount Melbourne 1834 – 1834 Whig Party
The Duke of Wellington 1834 – 1834 Tory Party
Sir Robert Peel 1834 – 1835 Tory Party
The Viscount Melbourne 1835 – 1841 Whig Party
Sir Robert Peel 1841 – 1846 Tory Party
The Lord John Russell 1846 – 1852 Whig Party
The Earl of Derby 1852 – 1852 Tory Party
The Earl of Aberdeen 1852 – 1855 Peelite / Whig
The Viscount Palmerston 1855 – 1858 Whig Party
The Earl of Derby 1858 – 1859 Tory Party
The Viscount Palmerston 1859 – 1865 Liberal Party
The Earl Russell 1865 – 1866 Liberal Party
The Earl of Derby 1866 – 1868 Tory Party
Benjamin Disraeli 1868 – 1868 Tory Party
William Ewart Gladstone 1868 – 1874 Liberal Party
Benjamin Disraeli 1874 – 1880 Tory Party
William Ewart Gladstone 1880 – 1885 Liberal Party
The Marquess of Salisbury 1885 – 1886 Tory Party
William Ewart Gladstone 1886 – 1886 Liberal Party
The Marquess of Salisbury 1886 – 1892 Tory Party
William Ewart Gladstone 1892 – 1894 Liberal Party
The Earl of Rosebery 1894 – 1895 Liberal Party
The Marquess of Salisbury 1895 – 1902 Tory Party
Arthur Balfour 1902 – 1905 Tory Party
Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman 1905 – 1908 Liberal Party
H H Asquith 1908 – 1916 Liberal Party
David Lloyds George 1916 – 1922 Liberal Party
Andrew Bonar Law 1922 – 1923 Tory Party
Stanley Baldwin 1923 – 1924 Tory Party
Ramsey MacDonald 1924 – 1924 Labour Party
Stanley Baldwin 1924 – 1929 Tory Party
Ramsey MacDonald 1929 – 1931 Labour Party
Ramsey MacDonald 1931 – 1935 National Labour Party
Stanley Baldwin 1935 – 1937 Tory Party
Neville Chamberlain 1937 – 1940 Tory Party
Winston Churchill 1940 – 1945 Tory Party
Clement Attlee 1945 – 1951 Labour Party
Winston Churchill 1951 – 1955 Tory Party
Sir Anthony Eden 1955 – 1957 Tory Party
Harold Macmillan 1957 – 1963 Tory Party
Alec Douglas-Home 1963 – 1964 Tory Party
Harold Wilson 1964 – 1970 Labour Party
Edward Heath 1970 – 1974 Tory Party
Harold Wilson 1974 – 1976 Labour Party
James Callaghan 1976 – 1979 Labour Party
Margaret Thatcher 1979 – 1990 Tory Party
John Major 1990 – 1997 Tory Party
Tony Blair 1997 – 2007 Labour Party
Gordon Brown 2007 – 2010 Labour Party
David Cameron 2010 - Present Tory Party

A list of all the countries in the world (2010)

1 Afghanistan
2 Akrotiri
3 Albania
4 Algeria
5 American Samoa
6 Andorra
7 Angola
8 Anguilla
9 Antarctica
10 Antigua and Barbuda
11 Argentina
12 Armenia
13 Aruba
14 Ashmore and Cartier Islands
15 Australia
16 Austria
17 Azerbaijan
18 Bahamas, The
19 Bahrain
20 Bangladesh
21 Barbados
22 Bassas da India
23 Belarus
24 Belgium
25 Belize
26 Benin
27 Bermuda
28 Bhutan
29 Bolivia
30 Bosnia and Herzegovina
31 Botswana
32 Bouvet Island
33 Brazil
34 British Indian Ocean Territory
35 British Virgin Islands
36 Brunei
37 Bulgaria
38 Burkina Faso
39 Burma
40 Burundi
41 Cambodia
42 Cameroon
43 Canada
44 Cape Verde
45 Cayman Islands
46 Central African Republic
47 Chad
48 Chile
49 China
50 Christmas Island
51 Clipperton Island
52 Cocos (Keeling) Islands
53 Colombia
54 Comoros
55 Congo, Democratic Republic of the
56 Congo, Republic of the
57 Cook Islands
58 Coral Sea Islands
59 Costa Rica
60 Cote d'Ivoire
61 Croatia
62 Cuba
63 Cyprus
64 Czech Republic
65 Denmark
66 Dhekelia
67 Djibouti
68 Dominica
69 Dominican Republic
70 Ecuador
71 Egypt
72 El Salvador
73 Equatorial Guinea
74 Eritrea
75 Estonia
76 Ethiopia
77 Europa Island
78 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
79 Faroe Islands
80 Fiji
81 Finland
82 France
83 French Guiana
84 French Polynesia
85 French Southern and Antarctic Lands
86 Gabon
87 Gambia, The
88 Gaza Strip
89 Georgia
90 Germany
91 Ghana
92 Gibraltar
93 Glorioso Islands
94 Greece
95 Greenland
96 Grenada
97 Guadeloupe
98 Guam
99 Guatemala
100 Guernsey
101 Guinea
102 Guinea-Bissau
103 Guyana
104 Haiti
105 Heard Island and McDonald Islands
106 Holy See (Vatican City)
107 Honduras
108 Hong Kong
109 Hungary
110 Iceland
111 India
112 Indonesia
113 Iran
114 Iraq
115 Ireland
116 Isle of Man
117 Israel
118 Italy
119 Jamaica
120 Jan Mayen
121 Japan
122 Jersey
123 Jordan
124 Juan de Nova Island
125 Kazakhstan
126 Kenya
127 Kiribati
128 Korea, North
129 Korea, South
130 Kuwait
131 Kyrgyzstan
132 Laos
133 Latvia
134 Lebanon
135 Lesotho
136 Liberia
137 Libya
138 Liechtenstein
139 Lithuania
140 Luxembourg
141 Macau
142 Macedonia
143 Madagascar
144 Malawi
145 Malaysia
146 Maldives
147 Mali
148 Malta
149 Marshall Islands
150 Martinique
151 Mauritania
152 Mauritius
153 Mayotte
154 Mexico
155 Micronesia, Federated States of
156 Moldova
157 Monaco
158 Mongolia
159 Montserrat
160 Morocco
161 Mozambique
162 Namibia
163 Nauru
164 Navassa Island
165 Nepal
166 Netherlands
167 Netherlands Antilles
168 New Caledonia
169 New Zealand
170 Nicaragua
171 Niger
172 Nigeria
173 Niue
174 Norfolk Island
175 Northern Mariana Islands
176 Norway
177 Oman
178 Pakistan
179 Palau
180 Panama
181 Papua New Guinea
182 Paracel Islands
183 Paraguay
184 Peru
185 Philippines
186 Pitcairn Islands
187 Poland
188 Portugal
189 Puerto Rico
190 Qatar
191 Reunion
192 Romania
193 Russia
194 Rwanda
195 Saint Helena
196 Saint Kitts and Nevis
197 Saint Lucia
198 Saint Pierre and Miquelon
199 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
200 Samoa
201 San Marino
202 Sao Tome and Principe
203 Saudi Arabia
204 Senegal
205 Serbia and Montenegro
206 Seychelles
207 Sierra Leone
208 Singapore
209 Slovakia
210 Slovenia
211 Solomon Islands
212 Somalia
213 South Africa
214 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
215 Spain
216 Spratly Islands
217 Sri Lanka
218 Sudan
219 Suriname
220 Svalbard
221 Swaziland
222 Sweden
223 Switzerland
224 Syria
225 Taiwan
226 Tajikistan
227 Tanzania
228 Thailand
229 Timor-Leste
230 Togo
231 Tokelau
232 Tonga
233 Trinidad and Tobago
234 Tromelin Island
235 Tunisia
236 Turkey
237 Turkmenistan
238 Turks and Caicos Islands
239 Tuvalu
240 Uganda
241 Ukraine
242 United Arab Emirates
243 United Kingdom
244 United States
245 Uruguay
246 Uzbekistan
247 Vanuatu
248 Venezuela
249 Vietnam
250 Virgin Islands
251 Wake Island
252 Wallis and Futuna
253 West Bank
254 Western Sahara
255 Yemen
256 Zambia
257 Zimbabwe

Wednesday 21 July 2010

The Member States of the U.S.A.

Member States of the United States of America, in order of entering the Union

1) Delaware December 7, 1787
2) Pennsylvania December 12, 1787
3) New Jersey December 18, 1787
4) Georgia January 2, 1788
5) Connecticut January 9, 1788
6) Massachusetts February 6, 1788
7) Maryland April 28, 1788
8) South Carolina May 23, 1788
9) New Hampshire June 21, 1788
10) Virginia June 25, 1788
11) New York July 26, 1788
12) North Carolina November 21, 1789
13) Rhode Island May 29, 1790
14) Vermont March 4, 1791
15) Kentucky June 1, 1792
16) Tennessee June 1, 1796
17) Ohio March 1, 1803
18) Louisiana April 30, 1812
19) Indiana December 11, 1816
20) Mississippi December 10, 1817
21) Illinois December 3, 1818
22) Alabama December 14, 1819
23) Maine March 15, 1820
24) Missouri August 10, 1821
25) Arkansas June 15, 1836
26) Michigan January 26, 1837
27) Florida March 3, 1845
28) Texas December 29, 1845
29) Iowa December 28, 1846
30) Wisconsin May 29, 1848
31) California September 9, 1850
32) Minnesota May 11, 1858
33) Oregon February 14, 1859
34) Kansas January 29, 1861
35) West Virginia June 20, 1863
36) Nevada October 31, 1864
37) Nebraska March 1, 1867

District of Colombia February 21, 1871

38) Colorado August 1, 1876
39) North Dakota November 2, 1889
40) South Dakota November 2, 1889
41) Montana November 8, 1889
42) Washington November 11, 1889
43) Idaho July 3, 1890
44) Wyoming July 10, 1890
45) Utah January 4, 1896
46) Oklahoma November 16, 1907
47) New Mexico January 6, 1912
48) Arizona February 14, 1912
49) Alaska January 3, 1959
50) Hawaii August 21, 1959

The Presidents of the U.S.A.

U.S. President Name (Years as President) - Presidential Party
1) George Washington (1789-1797)
2) John Adams (1797-1801) - Federalist
3) Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809) - Democratic/Republican
4) James Madison (1809-1817) - Democratic/Republican
5) James Monroe (1817-1825) - Democratic/Republican
6) John Quincy Adams (1825-1829) - Democratic/Republican
7) Andrew Jackson (1829-1837) - Democrat
8) Martin Van Buren (1837-1841) - Democrat
9) William Henry Harrison (1841-1841, died In office) - Whig
10) John Tyler (1841-1845) - Whig
11) James K. Polk (1845-1849) - Democrat
12) Zachary Taylor (1849-1850, died in office) - Whig
13) Millard Fillmore (1850-1853) - Whig
14) Franklen Pierce (1853-1857) - Democrat
15) James Buchanan (1857-1861) - Democrat
16) Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865, died in office) - Republican
17) Andrew Johnson (1865-1869) - Democrat/National Union
18) Gen. Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877) - Republican
19) Rutherford B. Hayes (1877-1881) - Republican
20) James A. Garfield (1881, died in office) - Republican
21) Chester A. Arthur (1881-1885) - Republican
22) Grover Cleveland (1885-1889) - Democrat
23) Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893) - Republican
24) Grover Cleveland (1893-1897) - Democrat
25) William McKinley (1897-1901, died in office) - Republican
26) Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) - Republican
27) William Howard Taft (1909-1913) - Republican
28) Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) - Democrat
29) Warren G. Harding (1921-1923, died in office) - Republican
30) Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) - Republican
31) Herbert Hoover (1929-1933) - Republican
32) Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945, died in office) - Democrat
33) Harry S. Truman (1945-1953) - Democrat
34) Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961) - Republican
35) John F. Kennedy (1961-1963, died in office) - Democrat
36) Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969) - Democrat
37) Richard M. Nixon (1969-1974) - Republican
38) Gerald R. Ford (1974-1977) - Republican
39) Jimmy Carter (1977-1981) - Democrat
40) Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) - Republican
41) George Bush (1989-1993) - Republican
42) Bill Clinton (1993-2001) - Democrat
43) George W. Bush (2001-2009) - Republican
44) Barack H. Obama (2009...) - Democrat

Friday 16 July 2010

The Highest Mountains on each Continent (the Seven Summits):

Mount Everest, Asia, 8,850 m
Aconcagua, South America, 6,959 m
Mount McKinley (Denali), North America, 6,194 m
Kilimanjaro, Africa, 5,895 m
Mount Elbrus, Europe, 5,642 m
Vinson Massif, Antarctica, 4,897 m
Carstensz Pyramid, Australia - Oceania, 4,884 m

Top 10 - Highest Mountains on Earth

1) Everest, Himalayas, Nepal, Asia, 29,035ft, 8,850m

2) K2 (Godwin Austen), Karakoram, Pakistan, Asia, 28,253ft, 8,612m

3) Kanchenjunga, Himalayas, Nepal, Asia, 28,169ft, 8,586m

4) Lhotse I, Himalayas, Nepal, Asia, 27,920ft, 8,501m

5) Makalu I, Himalayas, Nepal, Asia, 27,765ft, 8,462m

6) Cho Oyu, Himalayas, Nepal, Asia, 26,906ft, 8,201m

7) Dhaulagiri, Himalayas, Nepal, Asia, 26,794ft, 8,167m

8) Manaslu, Himalayas, Nepal, Asia, 26,758ft, 8,156m

9) Nanga Parbat, Himalayas, Pakistan, Asia, 26,658ft, 8,125m

10)Annapurna, Himalayas, Nepal, Asia, 26,545ft, 8,091m

Top 10 - Longest Rivers in the World

1) Nile (Africa) 4,160 miles (6,693 km)

2) Amazon (S. America) 4,000 miles (6,436 km)

3) Chang Jiang (Yangtze) (China) 3,964 miles (6,378 km)

4) Huang He (Yellow River) (China) 3,395 miles (5,463 km)

5) Ob-Irtysh (Russia) 3,362 miles (5,410 km)

6) Amur (Asia) 2,744 miles (4,415 km)

7) Lena (Russia) 2,734 miles (4,399 km)

8) Congo (Africa) 2,718 miles (4,373 km)

9) MacKenzie (Canada) 2,635 miles (4,241 km)

10)Mekong (Viet Nam) 2,600 miles (4,183 km)

Top 10 - World's Most Expensive Paintings

1. Jackson Pollock - No 5 1948 - $140,000,000

2. Willem De Kooning - Woman III - $137,500,000

3. Gustav Klimt - Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer - $135,000,000

4. Pablo Picasso - Garcon a la pipe - $104,168,000

5. Pablo Picasso - Dora Maar au chat - $95,216,000

6. Gustav Klimt - Portrait of Adele Bloch-Baur II - $87,936,000

7. Francis Bacon - Triptych 1976 - $86,300,000

8. Vincent van Gogh - Portrait du Dr Gachet - $82,500,000

9. Claude Monet - Le Bassin aux Nymphéas - $80,400,000

10. Jasper Johns - False Start - $80,000,000

Top Ten: Fastest 100 Metre Sprinters in History (Women)

Rank Fastest time (s) Wind (m/s) Athlete, Nation, Date, Location,

1) 10.49 0.0 Florence Griffith-Joyner, United States, 16 July 1988, Indianapolis
2) 10.64 +1.2 Carmelita Jeter, United States, 20 September 2009, Shanghai
3) 10.65 [A] +1.1 Marion Jones, United States, 12 September 1998, Johannesburg
4) 10.70 +0.6 Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce, Jamaica, 29 June 2012, Kingston
5) 10.73 +2.0 Christine Arron, France, 19 August 1998, Budapest
6) 10.74 +1.3 Merlene Ottey, Jamaica, 7 September 1996, Milan
7) 10.75 +0.4 Kerron Stewart, Jamaica, 10 July 2009, Rome
8) 10.76 +1.7 Evelyn Ashford, United States, 22 August 1984, Zürich
8) 10.76 +1.1 Veronica Campbell-Brown, Jamaica, 31 May 2011, Ostrava
10) 10.77 +0.9 Irina Privalova, Russia, 6 July 1994, Lausanne
10) 10.77 +0.7 Ivet Lalova, Bulgaria, 19 June 2004, Plovdiv

Top Ten: Fastest 100 Metre Sprinters in History (Men)

Rank Time (s) Wind (m/s) Athlete, Country, Date, Location

1) 9.58 +0.9 Usain Bolt, Jamaica, 16 August 2009, Berlin
2) 9.69 +2.0 Tyson Gay, United States, 20 September 2009, Shanghai
3) 9.72 +0.2 Asafa Powell, Jamaica, 2 September 2008, Lausanne
4) 9.75 +1.1 Yohan Blake, Jamaica, 29 June 2012, Kingston
5) 9.78 +0.9 Nesta Carter, Jamaica, 29 August 2010, Rieti
6) 9.79 +0.1 Maurice Greene, United States, 16 June 1999, Athens
7) 9.80 +1.3 Steve Mullings, Jamaica, 4 June 2011, Eugene
7) 9.80 +1.8 Justin Gatlin, United States, 24 June 2012, Eugene
9) 9.84 +0.7 Donovan Bailey, Canada, 27 July 1996, Atlanta
9) 9.84 +0.2 Bruny Surin, Canada, 22 August 1999, Seville

Thursday 15 July 2010

Top 10 - Fastest Land Speed Records

1. Thrust SSC – Great Britain (763 mph)

2. Thrust2 – Great Britain (633 mph)

3. The Blue Flame – United States (630 mph)

4. Spirit of America Sonic 1- United States (600 mph)

5. Green Monster - United States (576 mph)

6. Wingfoot Express - United States (415 mph)

7. Thunderbolt - United Kingdom (345 mph)

8. Campbell-Railton Blue Bird - United Kingdom (301 mph)

9. Irving-Napier Golden Arrow - United Kingdom (231 mph)

10. White Triplex Spirit of Elkdom - United States (207 mph)

Top 10 - Fastest Production Cars of all Time (2007)

1) Bugatti Veyron (2004)
252.2 MPH, 1001 BHP

2) Koenigsegg CCX (2006)
250 MPH, 900 BHP

3) Saleen S7 (2005)
248 MPH, 750 BHP

4) McLaren F1 (1994)
240.14 MPH, 620 BHP

5) Ferrari Enzo (2002)
217 MPH, 657 BHP

6) Jaguar XJ220 (1992)
217 MPH, 549 BHP

7) Pagani Zonda F (1999)
215 MPH, 602 BHP

8) Lamborghini Murcielago (2003)
213 MPH, 633 BHP

9) Porsche Carrera GT (2004)
209 MPH, 605 BHP

10) McLaren Mercedes SLR (2005)
207 MPH, 626 BHP

Top 10 F1 Grand Prix Victories

Name (Races won) %

1) Schumacher, Michael (91) 29.55%
2) Prost, Alain (51) 25.25%
3) Senna da Silva, Ayrton (41) 25.31%
4) Mansell, Nigel (31) 16.23%
5) Alonso, Fernando (30) 15.15%
6) Stewart, Jackie (27) 27.00%
7) Sebastian Vettel (26) 25.74%
8) Lauda, Niki (25) 34.25%
8) Clark, Jim (25) 14.12%
10) Fangio, Juan Manuel (24) 46.15%

Top 10 Most Golf Major Winners

1) Jack Nicklaus - 18
2) Tiger Woods - 14
3) Walter Hagen - 11
4) Ben Hogan - 9
4) Gary Player - 9
6) Tom Watson - 8
7) Bobby Jones - 7
7) Arnold Palmer - 7
7) Gene Sarazen - 7
7) Sam Snead - 7
7) Harry Vardon - 7

The Open Championship - Golf

Year Champion , Nationality , Venue

2014 ????, Royal Liverpool Golf Club
2013 Phil Mickelson , United States , Muirfield
2012 Ernie Els, South Africa, Royal Lytham & St Anne's Golf Club
2011 Darren Clarke, Norther Ireland, Royal St George's Golf Club
2010 Louis Oosthuizen ,  South Africa , St Andrews
2009 Stewart Cink ,  United States , Turnberry
2008 Pádraig Harrington ,  Ireland , Royal Birkdale Golf Club
2007 Pádraig Harrington ,  Ireland , Carnoustie Golf Links
2006 Tiger Woods ,  United States , Royal Liverpool Golf Club
2005 Tiger Woods ,  United States , St Andrews
2004 Todd Hamilton ,  United States , Royal Troon Golf Club
2003 Ben Curtis ,  United States , Royal St George's Golf Club
2002 Ernie Els ,  South Africa , Muirfield
2001 David Duval ,  United States , Royal Lytham & St Anne's Golf Club
2000 Tiger Woods ,  United States , St Andrews
1999 Paul Lawrie ,  Scotland , Carnoustie Golf Links
1998 Mark O'Meara ,  United States , Royal Birkdale Golf Club
1997 Justin Leonard ,  United States , Royal Troon Golf Club
1996 Tom Lehman ,  United States , Royal Lytham & St Anne's Golf Club
1995 John Daly ,  United States , St Andrews
1994 Nick Price ,  Zimbabwe , Turnberry
1993 Greg Norman ,  Australia , Royal St George's Golf Club
1992 Nick Faldo ,  England , Muirfield
1991 Ian Baker-Finch ,  Australia , Royal Birkdale Golf Club
1990 Nick Faldo ,  England , St Andrews
1989 Mark Calcavecchia ,  United States , Royal Troon Golf Club
1988 Seve Ballesteros ,  Spain , Royal Lytham & St Anne's Golf Club
1987 Nick Faldo ,  England , Muirfield
1986 Greg Norman ,  Australia , Turnberry
1985 Sandy Lyle ,  Scotland , Royal St George's Golf Club
1984 Seve Ballesteros ,  Spain , St Andrews
1983 Tom Watson ,  United States , Royal Birkdale Golf Club
1982 Tom Watson ,  United States , Royal Troon Golf Club
1981 Bill Rogers ,  United States , Royal St George's Golf Club
1980 Tom Watson ,  United States , Muirfield
1979 Seve Ballesteros ,  Spain , Royal Lytham & St Anne's Golf Club
1978 Jack Nicklaus ,  United States , St Andrews
1977 Tom Watson ,  United States , Turnberry
1976 Johnny Miller ,  United States , Royal Birkdale Golf Club
1975 Tom Watson ,  United States , Carnoustie Golf Links
1974 Gary Player ,  South Africa , Royal Lytham & St Anne's Golf Club
1973 Tom Weiskopf ,  United States , Royal Troon Golf Club
1972 Lee Trevino,  United States , Muirfield
1971 Lee Trevino ,  United States , Royal Birkdale Golf Club
1970 Jack Nicklaus,  United States , St Andrews
1969 Tony Jacklin ,  England , Royal Lytham & St Anne's Golf Club
1968 Gary Player,  South Africa , Carnoustie Golf Links
1967 Roberto De Vicenzo ,  Argentina , Royal Liverpool Golf Club
1966 Jack Nicklaus ,  United States , Muirfield
1965 Peter Thomson ,  Australia , Royal Birkdale Golf Club
1964 Tony Lema ,  United States , St Andrews
1963 Bob Charles ,  New Zealand , Royal Lytham & St Anne's Golf Club
1962 Arnold Palmer ,  United States , Royal Troon Golf Club
1961 Arnold Palmer ,  United States , Royal Birkdale Golf Club
1960 Kel Nagle ,  Australia , St Andrews
1959 Gary Player ,  South Africa , Muirfield
1958 Peter Thomson ,  Australia , Royal Lytham & St Anne's Golf Club
1957 Bobby Locke ,  South Africa , St Andrews
1956 Peter Thomson ,  Australia , Royal Liverpool Golf Club
1955 Peter Thomson ,  Australia , St Andrews
1954 Peter Thomson ,  Australia , Royal Birkdale Golf Club
1953 Ben Hogan ,  United States , Carnoustie Golf Links
1952 Bobby Locke,  South Africa , Royal Lytham & St Anne's Golf Club
1951 Max Faulkner ,  England , Royal Portrush Golf Club
1950 Bobby Locke,  South Africa , Royal Troon Golf Club
1949 Bobby Locke ,  South Africa , Royal St George's Golf Club
1948 Henry Cotton ,  England , Muirfield
1947 Fred Daly ,  Northern Ireland , Royal Liverpool Golf Club
1946 Sam Snead ,  United States , St Andrews
1945 World War II
1944 World War II
1943 World War II
1942 World War II
1941 World War II
1940 World War II
1939 Dick Burton ,  England , St Andrews
1938 Reg Whitcombe ,  England , Royal St George's Golf Club
1937 Henry Cotton ,  England , Carnoustie Golf Links
1936 Alf Padgham ,  England , Royal Liverpool Golf Club
1935 Alf Perry ,  England , Muirfield
1934 Henry Cotton ,  England , Royal St George's Golf Club
1933 Denny Shute ,  United States , St Andrews
1932 Gene Sarazen ,  United States , Prince's Golf Club
1931 Tommy Armour ,  United States , Carnoustie Golf Links
1930 Bobby Jones ,  United States , Royal Liverpool Golf Club
1929 Walter Hagen ,  United States , Muirfield
1928 Walter Hagen,  United States , Royal St George's Golf Club
1927 Bobby Jones ,  United States , St Andrews
1926 Bobby Jones,  United States , Royal Lytham & St Anne'sGolf Club
1925 Jim Barnes ,  United States , Prestwick Golf Club
1924 Walter Hagen ,  United States , Royal Liverpool Golf Club
1923 Arthur Havers ,  England , Royal Troon Golf Club
1922 Walter Hagen ,  United States , Royal St George's Golf Club
1921 Jock Hutchison ,  United States , St Andrews
1920 George Duncan ,  Scotland , Royal Cinque Ports Golf Club
1919 World War I
1918 World War I
1917 World War I
1916 World War I
1915 World War I
1914 Harry Vardon,  Jersey , Prestwick Golf Club
1913 John Henry Taylor,  England , Royal Liverpool Golf Club
1912 Ted Ray,  Jersey , Muirfield
1911 Harry Vardon,  Jersey , Royal St George's Golf Club
1910 James Braid,  Scotland , St Andrews
1909 John Henry Taylor,  England , Royal Cinque Ports Golf Club
1908 James Braid,  Scotland , Prestwick Golf Club
1907 Arnaud Massy,  France , Royal Liverpool Golf Club
1906 James Braid,  Scotland , Muirfield
1905 James Braid,  Scotland , St Andrews
1904 Jack White,  Scotland , Royal St George's Golf Club
1903 Harry Vardon,  Jersey , Prestwick Golf Club
1902 Sandy Herd,  Scotland , Royal Liverpool Golf Club
1901 James Braid,  Scotland , Muirfield
1900 John Henry Taylor,  England , St Andrews
1899 Harry Vardon ,  Jersey , Royal St George's Golf Club
1898 Harry Vardon,  Jersey , Prestwick Golf Club
1897 Harold Hilton,  England , Royal Liverpool Golf Club
1896 Harry Vardon,  Jersey , Muirfield
1895 John Henry Taylor,  England , St Andrews
1894 John Henry Taylor,  England , Royal St George's Golf Club
1893 William Auchterlonie,  Scotland , Prestwick Golf Club
1892 Harold Hilton,  England , Muirfield
1891 Hugh Kirkaldy,  Scotland , St Andrews
1890 John Ball,  England , Prestwick Golf Club
1889 Willie Park, Jnr,  Scotland , Musselburgh Links
1888 Jack Burns,  Scotland , St Andrews
1887 Willie Park, Jnr,  Scotland , Prestwick Golf Club
1886 David Brown,  Scotland , Musselburgh Links
1885 Bob Martin,  Scotland , St Andrews
1884 Jack Simpson,  Scotland , Prestwick Golf Club
1883 Willie Fernie, Scotland , Musselburgh Links
1882 Bob Ferguson ,  Scotland , St Andrews
1881 Bob Ferguson,  Scotland , Prestwick Golf Club
1880 Bob Ferguson,  Scotland , Musselburgh Links
1879 Jamie Anderson,  Scotland , St Andrews
1878 Jamie Anderson,  Scotland , Prestwick Golf Club
1877 Jamie Anderson,  Scotland , Musselburgh Links
1876 Bob Martin,  Scotland , St Andrews
1875 Willie Park, Snr,  Scotland , Prestwick Golf Club
1874 Mungo Park,  Scotland , Musselburgh Links
1873 Tom Kidd,  Scotland , St Andrews
1872 Tom Morris, Jnr,  Scotland , Prestwick Golf Club
1871 No Championship
1870 Tom Morris, Jnr ,  Scotland , Prestwick Golf Club
1869 Tom Morris, Jnr ,  Scotland , Prestwick Golf Club
1868 Tom Morris, Jnr ,  Scotland , Prestwick Golf Club
1867 Tom Morris, Snr ,  Scotland , Prestwick Golf Club
1866 Willie Park, Snr,  Scotland , Prestwick Golf Club
1865 Andrew Strath,  Scotland , Prestwick Golf Club
1864 Tom Morris, Snr ,  Scotland , Prestwick Golf Club
1863 Willie Park, Snr,  Scotland , Prestwick Golf Club
1862 Tom Morris, Snr ,  Scotland , Prestwick Golf Club
1861 Tom Morris, Snr ,  Scotland , Prestwick Golf Club
1860 Willie Park, Snr,  Scotland , Prestwick Golf Club

Monday 5 July 2010

Formula One World Champions

Year Driver Nation F1 Team

2013 Sebastian Vettel GER Red Bull
2012 Sebastian Vettel GER Red Bull
2011 Sebastian Vettel GER Red Bull
2010 Sebastian Vettel GER Red Bull
2009 Jenson Button GB Brawn GP
2008 Lewis Hamilton GB Mc Laren
2007 Kimi Raïkonen FIN Ferrari
2006 Fernando Alonso ESP Renault
2005 Fernando Alonso ESP Renault
2004 Michael Schumacher GER Ferrari
2003 Michael Schumacher GER Ferrari
2002 Michael Schumacher GER Ferrari
2001 Michael Schumacher GER Ferrari
2000 Michael Schumacher GER Ferrari
1999 Mika Hakkinen FIN McLaren
1998 Mika Hakkinen FIN McLaren
1997 Jacques Villeneuve CAN Williams
1996 Damon Hill GB Williams
1995 Michael Schumacher GER Benneton
1994 Michael Schumacher GER Benneton
1993 Alain Prost FRA Williams
1992 Nigel Mansell GB Williams
1991 Ayrton Senna BRA McLaren
1990 Ayrton Senna BRA McLaren
1989 Alain Prost FRA McLaren
1988 Ayrton Senna BRA McLaren
1987 Nelson Piquet BRA Williams
1986 Alain Prost FRA McLaren
1985 Alain Prost FRA McLaren
1984 Niki Lauda AUS McLaren
1983 Nelson Piquet BRA Brabham
1982 Keke Rosberg FIN Williams
1981 Nelson Piquet BRA Brabham
1980 Alan Jones OZ Williams
1979 Jody Scheckter S A Ferrari
1978 Mario Andretti USA Lotus-Ford
1977 Niki Lauda AUS Ferrari
1976 James Hunt GB McLaren-Ford
1975 Niki Lauda AUS Ferrari
1974 Emerson Fittipaldi BRA McLaren-Ford
1973 Jackie Stewart GB Tyrell-Ford
1972 Emerson Fittipaldi BRA Lotus-Ford
1971 Jackie Stewart GB Tyrell-Ford
1970 Jochen Rindt AUS Lotus-Ford
1969 Jackie Stewart GB Matra-Ford
1968 Graham Hill GB Lotus-Ford
1967 Denny Hulme NZ Brabham-Repco
1966 Jack Brabham OZ Brabham-Repco
1965 Jim Clark GB Lotus-Climax
1964 John Surtees GB Ferrari
1963 Jim Clark GB Lotus-Climax
1962 Graham Hill GB BRM
1961 Phil Hill USA Ferrari
1960 Jack Brabham OZ Cooper-Climax
1959 Jack Brabham OZ Cooper-Climax
1958 Mike Hawthorn GB Ferrari
1957 Juan Manuel Fangio ARG Maserati
1956 Juan Manuel Fangio ARG Lancia-Ferrari
1955 Juan Manuel Fangio ARG Mercedes-Benz
1954 Juan Manuel Fangio ARG Maserati/Mercedes
1953 Alberto Ascari ITA Ferrari
1952 Alberto Ascari ITA Ferrari
1951 Juan Manuel Fangio ARG Alfa Romeo
1950 Guiseppe Farina ITA Alfa Romeo

Sunday 4 July 2010

Top 10 Largest Football Stadium in England

1. Wembley Stadium, London (90,000)
2. Old Trafford, Manchester (76,212)
3. Emirates Stadium, London (60,355)
4. St. James Park, Newcastle (52,387)
5. Stadium of Light, Sunderland (49,000)
6. City of Manchester Stadium, Manchester (47,726)
7. Anfield, Liverpool (45,276)
8. Villa Park, Aston (42,573)
9. Stamford Bridge, Chelsea (42,055)
10. Goodison Park, Everton (40,158)

Top 10 Largest Football Stadium

1. Rungrado May Day Stadium (150,000)
The Rungrado May Day Stadium is located in Pyongyang, North Korea.

2. Salt Lake Stadium (120,000)
The Salt Lake Stadium in West Bengal, India.

3. Estadio Azteca (105,000)
The Estadio Azteca is located in Mexico City, Mexico.

4. Melbourne Cricket Ground (100,000)
The Melbourne Cricket Ground is located in Melbourne Australia.

5. Azardi Stadium (100,000)
The Azardi Stadium in Tehran, Iran.

6. Bukit Jalil National Stadium (100,000)
Bukik Jalil National Stadium is located in Bukik Jalil, Malaysia.

7. Camp Nou (98,772)
The Camp Nou, is located in Barcelona, Spain.

8. Maracana (96,000)
The Maracana is a stadium in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

9. Beijing National Stadium (91,000)
The Beijing National Stadium (Bird Nest)is located in Beijing, China.

10. Wembley Stadium (90,000)
Wembley Stadium, which is located in London, England.

Ten of the greatest: Newspaper scoops

Ten of the greatest: Newspaper scoops

By SIR HAROLD EVANS, Former Fleet Street editor and author

The Belfast News-Letter, 1776

The Washington Post, 1972-73

The Observer, 1956

The Times, 1854

The Times, 1953

McClure's Magazine, 1902-4

Manchester Evening News, 1945

8. THE 1947 BUDGET
The Star, 1947

Reuters Telegram Company, 1900

The Plain Dealer, Cleveland, 1969

Read more:

Saturday 3 July 2010

Top 10 All Time Goal Scorers - English FA Premier League

1st Alan Shearer 260
2nd Andrew Cole 188
3rd Thierry Henry 175
4th Frank Lampard 170
5th Wayne Rooney 164
6th Robbie Fowler 162
7th Michael Owen 150
8th Les Ferdinand 149
9th Teddy Sheringham 147
9th Wayne Rooney 144
10th Robin van Persie 129

(Accurate as of the 20/1/14)

10 great British brands no longer 'British'

1) Boots

2) Rolls Royce cars

3) Cadbury

4) Bentley cars

5) Jaguar

6) Walkers crisps

7) Smarties/Aero/Rolo/Fruit Pastilles

8) Mini

9) Harry Ramsden

10) HP Sauce